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December 23, 2003



They all get the unfortunate shortenings: Logie, Dilly, and Daffy; Logan is also Robets Rules of Order, Logie-Dogie-Stogie; Dylan is my special, special boy, and also tasmaniam devil; Daphne is baby baby, sweetness, velcro. I've always been Mommy, Mama, and,increasingly, Mom.


andy was boo; rory was sweet cheeks. john was johnny and rebekah was bekah. i was mommy until i was mom. bekah would call me "mama" sometimes...that's about it.


We have far too many in our house to list here and seem to come with new nicknames almost weekly. However, pumpkin and peanut for the girls have been standard since our ultrasound days. Current favorites are "Tellum" (for our little boss Jessie) and "Poo-ja-lou" (for our messmaker Katie) Kathryn likes to currently call me "Momma Somma" or "Momma Monkee"

But who knows what will be calling each other next week. :)


Of course! I have called the daughter "Brownie Bug" since she was a baby. Sometimes it comes out as "doodlebug" or "bugsie," but she knows I'm talking to her.

For the son, I tend to call him "bubsie" since his daddy is called "bubba" by his family. I also call him "bubbie-boo," "boops" or "dennis the menace."


'Hannah banana' or 'Angel'

'Heidi doodle' or 'Heidi bug' or 'Doodle bug' or just 'Doodle'

'Dan the man', 'Dan-Dan', or 'Danny boy' or 'Cowboy Dan'

Rosie... well, that is a nickname to start with... She's Emily Martha-Rose... but she gets 'Wee em' 'Rosie posie' or 'Boo'


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