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May 10, 2004



Haha, Alison I found this site because I Googled "anti soccer mom", too.
I have no problem letting my daughter join soccer. She's 4 years old so we're trying to get her involved in different things to see what she likes. If she tries soccer and dislikes it I will let her quit. Of course, if she loves it and wants to continue to play I will be there to support her even though I really, really dread the soccer-mom clique. I'm a laid-back, admittedly overly organized (in an anal-retentive sort of way) full-time working mom and the "soccer-moms" I've met so far have been these amped-up, loud, stay-at-home moms whose lives so completely revolve around their children's activities that it seems like they're moving a mile a minute and their heads are going to spin off. Not saying all moms of soccer players are like that, but the ones I described are who terrify me.

football news

See, It's a matter of WHY do you let/send her go to this soccer team. For the fitness? friends? past time? competitive something? :)
Maybe you are just afraid for her that she can be a tom boy? I hope she enjoys her soccer team games anyhow..


Hey 'annoyed' FUCK YOU! Bet you're one of those obese, used up, husband is cheating on you because he hates your fat guts now, run the kidss all over and crazy soccer mom-strosities. Go eat a rice cake, leave you kids alone and STFU!


All i can say is i found this site because i googled..anti soccer mom. i am not the only one!


Soccer moms, please quit holding up drive-thru windows with 6 orders for your little spawn from hell. The rest of the world despise you people.


So the person who wrote about his (her?) Porsche getting hit.. I've seen this idiotic post on other sites.. clearly, you need an audience. It is profoundly sad that you find your sports car to be more precious than the car of or the life of a mother who cares for human children in a vehicle that protects them more than just about any other. I wonder if you've ever been a parent, or had to care for anyone else other than yourself? This conventional diatribe is NOT witty or worthy of repeated postings; it is simply an expression of a simple-minded fool. This mother, (oh excuse me, this "disgusting excuse for a human being"), was likely rushing to pick up her children at whatever activity she has enrolled them in to help them develop their capacities, as good parents do. Or perhaps she has a dying parent in the hospital, or is the CEO of a company, and is running late for work because she had to take her children to school. How on earth do you know ANYTHING about this person's life? And where do you get off calling her an excuse for a human being? Have you never bumped a car that you didn't see? The ownership of a Porsche is arguably just as distasteful and deserving of stereotypical criticism as owning an SUV. So why don't you take your narcissistic self and contribute something to humanity, you sanctimonious schmuck.

does not matter

I love soccer. But...A few hours ago, a stupid, clueless soccer mom backed onto my 2-day old Porsche at the gas station. What was she driving? A mountainous, gigantic SUV out of which she could not see %80 of the world around her. She came out, indifferently inspected her car, said: "oh, there's nothing on my car! your car is so low, if i had the armada i would have driven right over it." So my car is guilty for being "so low" and not this disgusting excuse of a human being who damaged something precious and close to my heart because she did not pay attention and because she had to drive a gigantic SUV. What if there was a child behind her mountain of a bumper? What if she had killed a little child? I hate, hate, HATE soccer moms! I hate them.


I will be the last mother to sign up my daughter for soccer. Why do parents have to give up their weekends for this sport - one which, lets face it, has few professional options even for the highly talented. Families need balance so childen don't grow up with the unrealistic expectation that the world revolves around them (with regard to their parents). It is strange to me that parents want to have a social life through such events. I enjoy my child's activities, but have a life and other interests. This soccer mom identity is suburban eighties and outdated. As a gen-x mother I can not let such a term stifle me.


Soccer is the sport of choice in our household. My two daughters aged 11 and 9 have been playing since they were 3.

Now that they are older and playing on travel teams it takes up lots of our time. Since my hubby is their coach we hardly have any time for anything else.

And THAT is what is making my soccer mom days sad. I want to have the weekend to myself sometimes. The girls have all my husbands attention; and I get put on the back burner.

Roger Johnston

Ladies,ladies, it is so disappointing to hear such negative personal comments about your childs activity. After all, you are out there for your kids sake, right? You are certainly right that there is some "soccer mom" phenomena going on, but whether or not "that's you" shouldn't really matter. As for hating the game, try not to forget that it is the "world's game", wheter you like or agree with that or not! :-) You feel proud that your girls are involved in such a worldly sport that most Americans seem to feel righteous in turning their back on. Let's not forget just how much U.S womens soccer has done to advance the image of female athletes in this country. The heat may suck, you might lose your sleep-in and providing snacks may annoy you, but feel good that you are an involved parent who obviously loves their child enough to sacrifice personal comfort for the sake of the most important person(s) in your life!!


Susan's snack thing happened to me, too. I was very annoyed. What I really didn't understand was the moms who all went to practice and stayed and watched and cheered. It was difficult enough to get to all of the games. And why on God's earth did someone thing that they had to start playing soccer, as my friend puts it, "the buttcrack of dawn?" Saturdays were supposed to be for sleeping in! I cannot tell you how relieved I was that my son switched from soccer (an outside -- hot -- sport) to wrestling -- an inside sport. We still had the entire weekend devoted to the sport, but at least I didn't have to remember snacks or sit in 105 degree heat and pretend to have a clue.


Oh my goodness, you made me laugh so hard - my hardest laugh the entire day! I have a feeling I will be just like you. My husband and I always joke that we will never, ever never have a soccer ball sticker on our car. I am sooo not going to be a soccer mom, not for lack of trying, for better or for worse. It's just not me. LOL - too cute.


I totally hate soccer.I hope Lillianna doesn't read this!! She tried a 6 week soccer thing last year and loved it. I prayed for rain every day.
I managed to avoid it this season but she is nagging me to play in September. I hate everything about it. The moms have their own cliques!! What is this High School?The sport bores me. I hate the people. I hate it !!!!!
Ok....I'm done!


Mallory forces me to be a soccer mom.She loves it,and would commit murder if I even suggested she hang her cleats up.
She even spent her own money on a magnet soccer ball for the back of my car...I didn't have the heart to tell her,I didn't buy one myself because I didn't want one.


hahaha I was the same way when Erin played soccer. I was always forgetting something. When it was my snack week another parent actually brought snacks. I asked them, "Wasn't it my week to bring snacks?" and they replied, "Well, we weren't sure you'd remember." I was thinking, "Well, why don't you give me back the $15 I spent on juice boxes and cheez-its then?!" I was so ticked. You'd think they would have at least left their snacks in the car until they saw whether I brought them or not. It was like they were intentionally trying to make me feel bad.

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