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May 17, 2004



Next year we'll all go, why not Lilly already thinks i'm the crazy aunt!!!


Robin, you're right, I WAS jealous. I say next year we all get babysitters and make it a group date. We could get there at 3:00 p.m. have dinner on the grill, watch movies and make a whole night of it! It will be the longest date I've had in at least 10 years, not to mention the most fun I'm sure!!! Thank you to Rich, AKA "Super Dad".


Sound great! It feels good for us "grown ups" to have fun sometimes too!


If you have to wait...at least it was fun.


Wow! Well, that worked out really well. :) It's so sweet that so many parents would be there all night long waiting for tickets for their baby's performances. :) Why is it so hard to get tickets? Is it a popular school? Do you live in a big city? It seems like it should just be default that parents automatically get tickets.


Wow! Well, that worked out really well. :) It's so sweet that so many parents would be there all night long waiting for tickets for their baby's performances. :) Why is it so hard to get tickets? Is it a popular school? Do you live in a big city? It seems like it should just be default that parents automatically get tickets.

Marcia Lynx Qualey

That's great! It definitely sounds like something out of a movie...I want to be there myself next year.


I'm comin' down next year. I'll be there at noon. Not only will it be fun, but I'll be first in line. Lillianna's getting all the first five rows next year!


The whole thing sounds like something out of movie! :)

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