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November 28, 2004


autumn hour

that would make me crazy.

being non-xtian and having in-laws that are very xtian makes things very complicated with questions like these. and i don't know that this is the best way to address questions about god, but here's what i do.

i want my child to grow up with a tolerance of all beliefs as long as they are not harmful. so when asked about god, i give answers that go something like, 'some people believe that god is .... other people believe that god is ....' this way, she -hopefully- knows that there are many beliefs out there and not one true answer to that question. hopefully one day, when she figures out what god is to her, she will be comfortable with whatever that is, even if it is not the mainstream idea.


My question is, where has she been getting her information from? (Who's been filling her little head with the Lord?) We sent our son to a church sponsored pre-school(we were assured the religious aspect was very low level and it was)but they offered thanks before snack time and he never knew exactly who he was thanking. I bought a kiddie bible for our older son and he never cracked it open. Maybe it's time to pass it on.


Does your daughter go to any Sunday school? Just wondering, We are thinking about it for our daughter just to simply teach her what we can't answer. We are NOT terribly religious and we can never claim to know much about God and His work.


Welcome to DotMoms Cooper. I have to say, your post made me laugh right out loud. We're going through similar things too ...

The other day my daughter Emma made a comment about someone's hair looking like GOD'S HAIR.

The statement made me stop in my tracks.

"How do you know what God's hair looks like?"
"He was at the ceremony when Great Nana died!"

I thought for a minute. A-ha. She thought the priest was God.

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