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December 04, 2004



Your post makes me so happy too. I've been reading J's blog for a long time now, and I'm thrilled that if she wants to, she can now start writing on dotmoms!

J is so lucky to have such a great friend.


I'm so glad you were able to take some time with your friend. It enable her to take a break from worry and NICU, which can be depressing even if you're baby is doing fine. (My son, Nathan was 7 weeks early so I can relate.) And now you have some great stories to tell Charlie when he's older and ends up taller than you are!


Your friend and her baby are so lucky to have you. I was sadly disappointed by my best friend's reaction to my baby. She like him of course, but he seemed to be just another baby to her -- nothing special. Reading your story makes me so happy that your friend's baby has someone like you to love him. A family friend can be the most special adult in a child's life. It's very clear you dearly love your friend and I'm sure you'll be a special friend to her son as well.

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