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January 16, 2005



Like yourself I am dealing with my fathers Alzheimers. He is in the early stages and I know how heartbreaking it is for you. My father was also a "gruff" man. I have noticed my childern really respond to things as I do. They feed off of us I guess you could say. Try to relax and don't make to much out of his illness. I really know "easier said than done" but I have stepped back and things are much smoother. Please contact me if you need support. I do feel your pain.

The Best


When Rich told me his comment I thought that was a great idea. We watched Fifty First Dates last week. Making a video would be helpful to you and your daughter. Even if your dad is displaying difficult behavior some times and your daughter doesn't understand it, when she is older she will be able to look back at the video and see it for what it was. A dear grandfather who loved her and wasn't responsible for some of his behavior because of a disease.
The suggestion about reading Maria Shriver's book was a good one. I bet there are others out there.
good luck.


It may sound kind of odd but, Have you ever seen the movie fifty first dates.? I ask this because in the movie Drew Barrymore can't remember anything so Adam Sandler videotapes everything. You should start videotaping all of your Dads and daughters visits. Not just for him to watch, But for her as well, So that she remembers how much fun and love her Grandpa had with her. And it is for you as well, So that you can have a wonderful video library of your Dad.


Try to just enjoy the time you have with your father and your daughter together.
Children are quite resilient. Look for the book written by Maria Shriver. I think the title is "What's Wrong with Grandpa?" It's written because her father, Sergeant Shriver has Alzheimers and she was trying to cope with explaining it to her children. It might be too soon to use it, but it will help when you need it.

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