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March 22, 2005



Thanks for the positive post. It is a wonderful reminder to look back on what you have experienced and accomplished rather than what you haven't, and I need a new outlook on life right now.


In January 1993,one month before I turned 30,I wrote my list of what I hadn't accomplished yet.

#1. I wasn't married and there was no boyfriend in the picture.
#2. I didn't have a child.

Finally,I decided to do what you did,write a list of things I had accomplished. Some I never imagined I'd do. I was amazed when I read it over. That list was far longer than the other one. I realized I had nothing to be ashamed of and everything to be proud of.
Eight months after my 30th birthday I met Rich.Four years and one day after Rich and I met,Lillianna was born!!
Life is wonderful when you know where to look!


I'm down here visiting my snowbirding parents in FL, and my mom exclaimed in astonishment at the sudden realization that I'm turning 40 this year. Having long since moved the celebration of my bio-birthday to a date more conducive to celebration (long story), I had actually not realized that the big 40 was upon me. Now, just after being reminded of this possibly uncomfortable fact, I am blessed with a great idea for how to approach it. Thanks!


I really like the reversed list...much more positive to replace a to do list with a "done" one.
Thanks for the inspiration as the clock ticks for us all.


Hey Julie,
I think that second list was just what the doctor ordered! What a great way to turn it around and be able to really revel in the stuff you have accomplished.

Also I feel compelled to tell you that I went to Barnard (graduated 1998) and remember the Nightline counseling service well! There were signs for it all over campus and it seemed to be one of those services that people really used. How cool that you started it! Did you go to Columbia or Barnard? I was a Barnard English major. Always great to find other people connected with my alma mater!


Julie, congratulations on reaching a big life milestone with an open heart and great optimism. In a Botox-crazy world it's nice to see a woman celebrate a full life and looking forward to life past 40.


The second list is way better and I think much more suitable. I too would much rather think of the things I have done than the ones I've not yet accomplished. Great post!


Hi Julie: I like this post. I also like the optimism in which you speak of turning 40. Happy Birthday by the way. My 40 will be a year from now on March 29th. I'm kind of freaking out about it, and your post has reassured me quite a bit.




I'm turning 40 in June and I'm really enjoying your discussion! This sounds so strange, but I'm glad I've experienced what it's like to have a critically ill child. (He's thriving by the way, but had a rough start...) Entering the world of Children's Hospitals, the Ronald McDonald House and sick kids has enlightened me and given me a perspective that almost none of the stuff we get stressed about is important - only the health and happiness of those I love.

But your list is a lot more fun and I think I'll work on my own. Happy 40.



Congratulations on your upcoming birthday, Julie. I loved your second list - I can only hope my life is as full when I'm approaching my 40th!


The things you have done is as impressive as your goals. You should give yourself a pat in the back and then, continue on with that "achieving" streak.


Your second list is wonderful and reminds me that life is full of surprises. So keep goin' with the flow and enjoy both the journey and the souvenirs!

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