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May 23, 2005



The pool at our apartment should be opening this week and I told Lillianna that any day it's not snowing (we're in New England....anything is possible here)we can head to the pool. Even though I work two mornings and one night per week and then all weekend, once she is out of school (June 24th)we will relax,swim and whatever. I'm not into watching ants but taking time to enjoy life with your family is always the best answer to any question.
Enjoy!! I know I will.

amy s.

I like summer because life's pace changes. Longer days and more daylight mean we can come home from work and spend time outside with our daughter, even if it is a bit rushed. We'll be swimming and going on mini-vacations. I like summer even more as a parent than I did before we had our daughter.


Sounds like fun, Suzanne. I will be home this summer with my three children. I plan to down Thorazine like its Good and Plenty's.


Sounds like a great summer, Suzanne! But I'll fight you tooth and nail for Steve the Hot Pilot!!!


I'm going to swim, read and blow time in the hot sun with long days and lots of laughter. Just like when you were nine ... Can't wait.

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