DotMoms has been featured on television, the radio, in magazines and newspapers across the U.S. and around the world. Links to selected clips appear below. For information or interviews, contact founder and editor Julie Moos at [email protected].
April 2006: "Bloggin' Mamas"
By Meagan Francis
Baby Talk
January 2006: The Boston Globe "Sidekick"
December 2005: "Blogosphere: Best of Blogs"
By Peter Kuhns & Adrienne Crew (Que Publishing)
DotMoms is included in Chapter 6 about parenting blogs, and three moms who write for DotMoms are also featured in the same chapter for their individual blogs: Betsy, Charlene and Mindy.
November 2005: DotMom Christine Hohlbaum is featured in "Virtual Family Reunions," an article by Debbe Geiger that appeared in Better Homes & Gardens. (Download it here)
October 2005: Selection, Top 10 Sources for Motherhood
September 2005: Megabyte Minute, Web Minute
August 2005: Family Circle (Australia)
July 24, 2005: Mombloggers, Unite!
By Cooper Monroe
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
July 2005: Your Time
By Janice Chen
June 30, 2005: Everyone's Blogging
By Laurianne McLaughlin
PC World
June 20, 2005: 50 Coolest Websites: Blogs
By Maryanne Murray Buechner
June 2005: Best of the Web Directory
By Karen J. Bannan
May 22, 2005: Birth of Blogs for Parents
By Karen Goldberg Goff
The Washington Times
May 2005: Blogger Moms
By Ellen Forman
South Florida Parenting
April 24, 2005: Pop Psychology
By Heather Salerno
The (White Plains, N.Y.) Journal News
March 12, 2005: Diaper Rash
The Providence Journal
February 2005: What's a Weblog?
Six Apart/TypePad
February 7, 2005: Blogging and Journalism
"HearSay with Cathy Lewis"WHRO
January 30, 2005: Mommy (and me)
By David Hochman
The New York Times
January 28, 2005: Have Kids, Will Blog
By Meredith O'Brien
January 3, 2005: It's a Baby Blog (if that link doesn't work, click here)By Lisa Chamoff
November 25, 2004: Baby Blogs
By Molly Millett
St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press
November 23, 2004: Mom Bloggers
By Mike Wendland
NBC News Channel
July 25, 2004: DotMoms is a Place for Bloggy Mamas Everywhere
Blogging Baby
April 29, 2004: On Mothers and Weblogs
By Shai Coggins