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August 23, 2005


Robin P

Two years ago,my sister Kara and I took Lillianna to Six Flags. We went to the water slide park there which Kara had been to a few weeks earlier.
She lied and told us we would love this particular ride. It was a big tube that 3 twenty year old boys joined us in. Apparently 6 was a good number.
The weight was not distributed correctly and we almost tipped over quite a few times. I had my eyes shut as I squeezed Lillianna as tightly as I could. She screamed the whole way down.
It was a nightmare.
Glad you had fun!!


You're a far braver woman than I. I usually either send the hubby down with the kids or else I make the teenager do it. LOL. Kudos to you for braving the Black Hole!


Water slides are great!! Welcome to the world of water parks.

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