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September 28, 2005



Enjoy those moments as long as you can - crazy and hectic as they are.

I am just recently child free after raising six as a single mom. Now, I sit in an empty home and miss. While I miss the I love you's and the sweet times, I realized that what I miss most is the craziness - the sibling arguments, the "I can't find my shoes", the noise.

While these times in your life will seem crazy and out of control, you will look back one day and wish you could have it all back.

Courtney Gidts

I've managed to save up roughly $34414 in my bank account, but I'm not sure if I should buy a house or not. Do you think the market is stable or do you think that home prices will decrease by a lot?


tears here too. sniff...


Wow, this was so great. I have tears in my eyes too.

It is so important to get some persepective on these hectic days and realize, these ARE the days.


I'm crying too. You have inspired me.



thank you so much for the reminder.


That made me tear up as well.I was driving past a high school and saw the students and thought OMG, my child would be there in 10 years or so..


Oh, that made me tear up instantly too. Nice reminder :)

Robin P

How do you expect me to cry AND type a comment to you? HUH? I'm only human.
What a "stop and think" post this was. Wow!!

I have had those stressful days too when I wonder how I am going to survive the craziness that is our daily life and then I remember,it's not forever. Lillianna will be 8 in a few days and those years flew!!! Ten more years and she will be off to college. Ten years seems like 5 seconds and I grab my child and hug her as tight as I can while slobbering kisses all over her.

The stressful,hectic,chaotic days of today will be the good old days tomorrow.

This was a wonderful post,Cooper,as always.

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