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October 17, 2005



I have a 2 and 3 year old. They both say mealtime prayers and bedtime prayers. We go to church every week. They usually stay through the music at the beginning of service and then go to Sunday School class. My daughter loves to sing her prayers. It isn't something I want to forcce on them but I want them to experience God in their life so that they can grow to love Him.


I too stayed away from church for over a decade during my agnostic college years. After a long time, I really started missing church and it meant a lot to me when I went back. I found myself crying during confession and forgiveness and during some of the hymns. At first I went back just once and then was gone for a year. But eventually I found a church near my home and started attending semi-regularly.

Then we had kids. Now I take our kids to church and Sunday school regularly. We go consistently because kids benefit from predictable routine. I figure it's another learning opportunity for them, and about something worthwhile. I like that they are being exposed to good values, uplifting music, and reverence itself. I try to make it fun for them. I definitely want them to come away with good memories.

For myself, I am beginning to appreciate more and more how nice it feels to be part of a church community. It took a while for me to form attachments with people one by one. Adult bible study helped me get to know people. Now I genuinely like and look forward to seeing everyone at church on Sunday. They have become my friends and part of my community.


Deep and Wide was one of the first songs I taught my boys (complete with all the hand motions I learned at VBS). We attend church every week and the boys also say prayers every night as part of their bed time ritual. My dh usually puts them to bed and the last time I put them to bed my 3 year informed me of what I forgot to pray for.


Wow, what a great post. Me being an agnostic...I haven't really exposed Isabelle to anything like religion. I mean, we've discussed some right or wrong issues...but nothing religious. She has a few books with god or jesus in it and I haven't tackled that yet...I wonder if I'll have to

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