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November 23, 2005


maplestory mesos buy

If you see a good deal on gift someone you know will love, buy it and keep it til their birthday or the holidays (you might want to keep a notebook or something to keep track of your purchases).

eve isk

I have never been organized during the holidays but these tips are quite helpful and easy! I just might get it all together this year.
Thanks for those great suggestions.
I'll let you know how it goes

Robin P

I have never been organized during the holidays but these tips are quite helpful and easy! I just might get it all together this year.
Thanks for those great suggestions.
I'll let you know how it goes.


This one isn't particularly helpful at this time of year, but you might consider it for next year: Shop year-round. If you see a good deal on gift someone you know will love, buy it and keep it til their birthday or the holidays (you might want to keep a notebook or something to keep track of your purchases). If you see a good deal on something that can be given to any number of people, buy it and stash it. Then, when a gift-giving occasion arises, before you head to the mall, check your stash and see if you've already got an appropriate gift.

Happy Shopping!

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