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November 06, 2005


judi swindell

Thank u 4 reminding me of things that I've let slip 2 the back of my "mind".


Thank you so much for sharing, it has inspired me to look for equally respectful ways to handle others' impudence.


I thought your comment to that child was so awesome. It seems so many children do not think of others or know how to apologize, so I am sure your kind words will go a long way and encourage him to do the right thing.


That was awesome. You showed such compassion and presence of mind in a delicate situation. I admire that!


You are righteous in the very best way.


You always inspire me. Thanks for the reminder to speak up!


Thank you for setting a good example--both for your children and those adults that need to be shown what it's like to give compassion.


Along with you I have winced witin when a hoarde of kids have come into a science museum (or some such place) because of the sheer madness and crowding aspects. But I say bravo to you for speaking up, and reassuring the child. Because NO ONE is better than anyone else, and for us to teach children anything different is so sick and wrong.


Very well said!


Along with you I have winced witin when a hoarde of kids have come into a science museum (or some such place) because of the sheer madness and crowding aspects. But I say bravo to you for speaking up, and reassuring the child. Because NO ONE is better than anyone else, and for us to teach children anything different is so sick and wrong.


Very well said!


Very well said!


Very well said!


You're right. Shaking ourselves out of our complacency -- out of our insular shells -- is exceedingly hard, particularly with a child or two on your arm.


Way to go, Chris...you know you rock.


Fantastic. Well done, that was very brave, Ihope that I would have the courage to do the same.


I work with "inner city" kids... those precious moments you took to say what you did to that child go a long way. Thank you, not only did you make his life a little nicer, but you made a small and lasting impact, and his teachers, I know, are deeply grateful.

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