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December 22, 2005


Robin P

I understand how sports is a business and he who offers the most money gets the player BUT I hate that teams are so temporary.
Rich doesn't know why I can't name the players of teams. Well, if they would stay put,I might have a better chance of knowing them!

I totally understand how you feel,though.


You guys realized he played for the Royals and the A's before he became a Red Sox, right? How did you feel when he became a Red Sox? Did you think he was turning his back on the A's and being disloyal?

It's all about money. But it's all about winning as well. The Red Sox are in disarray. Everyone's jumping ship (from Theo on down).


I'm all for changing jobs if a raise is offered. But, that being said, the Red Sox were going to offer him 40$ mil. Sure that's 12 less then the Yankees, but COME ON! We are talking millions of dollars here. He didn't take it so he could be able to live more comfortably. To be able to have some "breathing" room away from credit debt. To be able to support his family better. He did it for greed plain and simple. I am sorry but this really touches a sore spot with me. What happened to playing for the love of the game? Team loyalty? Since when did making 40 mil become not enough? He plays baseball. He didn't find the cure for cancer. As far as I am concerned teachers should be the ones getting this sort of pay. Not actors and athletes. That being said, he disappoints me. Simply because he was greedy. If he wanted to go to another team, Fine. But of all teams to go to? If he had any sense of loyalty, he wouldn't have gone to the Yankees. Simply for the history between the two teams. But, I suppose money talks. Again in my head 40 to 52 MILLION dollars really isn't something to get all that excited about. $50 thousand a year to $100 thousand? That's a big difference. But what do I know, I just like the Red Sox and am sad to see him go. Then again, I agree with what Daddy Drama said too. *shrugs* *kicks soap box to the side* Uhm. *ahem*

Merry Christmas? =)~


The reality of professional sports is that they are businesses. However, before we criticize Damon or players in general, I wonder how many people would turn down a 30% pay raise, especially when the number we're talking about is $12 million? I'm guessing that Damon probably would have stayed if the Red Sox offer was within 10%, but it's nowhere close.

Change is a natural part of sports teams, whether from free agency or retirement. What's important to grasp and communicate is that the concept of team is more than just any one player, however integral that player may have been. What Damon did is merely business; what Terrell Owens did is ruin a team.


First of all, as a Yankees fan, Ill be glad to see a new (clean-shaven) face in town.

But I can't blame the guy. Isn't that what we all do? We change jobs because we want/need more money. We move into bigger houses or buy nicer cars once we can afford it. He's just on a national stage, so he is looked at as a traitor.

Can't wait to see him batting ahead of Jeter!

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