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December 07, 2005



I never thought about how my family was born in the house I now own, but your writing has reminded me how much I take it for granted. Thank you for posting!

Robin P

You'd think I would've known not to read your post without having a box of tissues handy. Now my keyboard is all wet.

Thank you for letting me in on the secret of keeping Lillianna young forever. I am never blinking again. No good can come of it!
*sniffle sniffle*


I was tearing up as I read this. The time we spend with them seems to go so fast - you said it beautifully.


Beautiful. And so true.
You brought me to tears this morning.

Cityslicker mom

This is so beautiful. The tears are welling up right now. Good luck in adjusting to you new place.

Kelli Diane

I'm currently struggling with the cross-country move my husband I made a year ago, while six-months pregnant. Thank you for reminding me of the many memories we have in this new house, including the day we brought our son home.


Beautifully written.

amy h

I'm crying. Very nice post.


I too didn't realize how emotional I'd get when we moved. As I cleaned the walls in one of the kids' rooms after all the furniture had been removed, I saw a perfect, dirty handprint on the wall. Then I thought about how we'd brought all the kids home from the hospital to this house, remembered how much we'd experienced there as a family. And I felt melancholy.

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