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April 12, 2006



Ops, the link did not show up in the post:


I was wondering why no one on your staff has writen anything concerning this book..
I was given this book by a friend at my baby shower, every mother must have this wonderful spiral bound book- can you please tell me who to contact about this book please, or how to go about doing a review on your site about this book?
Thank you,
I have encluded the website link above-

todd Olsen

you may have seen that Slate.com ridiculed Baby Einstien creator Julie Aigner-Clarke because they don't think she's a "businesswoman". The male author of the attack should know working moms derserve to be recognized as heroes. Aigner-Clarke was applauded in last night's State of the Union speech. today she gets attacked. can't you set aside your politics for one moment?

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