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June 25, 2006


Margie Ruckle

Whoa! I have a 2 year old. About 4 months ago I started working in a diner. He developed (I hope) a harmless crush on one of the waitresses I work with. He wont talk to her, but he asks me when she's working, tells me he wants to see her, etc. A few weeks ago, he went up to her and kissed her on her apron. The next day he kissed her on her hand. He STILL wont even say "hi" to her. But, after reading this, I will be sure to keep this in the back of my head for ALL the future crushes. Thanks for the eye opener!


My son is not quite 1 year old and he is already stealing the girl's binkies and trying to put them in his own mouth. It's amazing how early they want to swap spit.


Wow, he learned the smooth moves quickly huh? It goes so fast.

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