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September 24, 2006


Bradley Bedell

That's one big milestone for him. Going to the dentist is not easy. Some people even tense up at the thought of the office and what might happen there. Indeed, going there is very important, and it makes a parent proud when their kids go through with an appointment successfully.

dentist chicago illinois

Alex is such a bright kid. You have certainly raised him right. For me, it's really important for parents to let their children grow in an environment where irrational fear has no place. That will help them cope up with different problems as they grow up, and of course, it will benefit their teeth greatly.

- Rayner Marsee

cosmetic dentist in california

nice post.. i enjoyed reading. thanks for the post.



Great post. I recently took my kids, 5 and 8, to their first dentist visits. Both kids were awesome. I was so proud of them. So proud, in fact, that I finally gave in and made my own dental appointment for the first time in over four years (I had a very bad experience back then).

I had to show my kids that going to the dentist was for everyone. So I went today and got the relatively good news that I have only some minor periodontal disease and have to go back for a teeth scraping.

I hope my kids are proud of me!


You are obviously doing a great job of explaining things.

Milestones like this are exciting and moving. Great story!

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