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September 26, 2006


Beth Vogt

I smiled as I read your post. It's so, so true. As much as I know that deep in my heart I am meant to write, I can let lots of other, less important things get ahead of my writing goals.

What do I do to refocus? Connect with other writers once a week in writers group. Nothing like camraderie and critique to spur one to write!

Hsien Lei

Gosh, I can't imagine cleaning being better than writing or anything else. :D

To achieve my personal goals, I just plunge in and get to it. Don't give yourself too much time to think. Just do it!


Oh Amy...you know I have no advice. I'm the queen of cleaning as a form of procrastination. Sadly, I haven't had much to procrastinate lately so the house is a wreck!

Robin P

I can't offer any advice. I've been trying to get up the courage to send my childrens book to a publisher for about 7 years.I can't seem to do it because I am so terrified of being rejected.
I wish my procrastination caused me to clean but usually,it causes me to eat!!
Good luck!


No real ideas, but a vote of solidarity. I find unless I have an absolute deadline in front of me, it's really hard to motivate myself to work--especially the marketing to get more work stuff.

BTW, like Sarah suggested, I've been thinking about taking my laptop to Starbux to get out of the house and away from the house projects. Maybe that will help.

Good luck!

Amy Mollin

I have time for personal goals? Right now I am down to having a happy child, a healthy marriage, and not getting fired ;-)


Hmmm...maybe you need to do your writing outside of the house, at a coffee shop or park or library that way it is separate from your life in the house and there will be fewer things demanding your attention? Or, you could find a writing buddy to keep you on track! You could meet (or email) once a week or once a month and encourage each other and have to share at least a little bit of what you have produced.

But, easier said than done, I KNOW! I find it hard to make the commitment to write, too.


Boy this is a tough one. The other night instead of writing letters, I re-organized ALL the kitchen cabinets.

It's hard to stay on track sometimes, especially when the goal is scary or not the most exciting.

Good luck with the writing, hope to see some more of it soon.

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