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October 26, 2006



I loved your post. Your writing made me feel like I was there with you. Your mornings are very different than mine out west in the suberbs of Las Vegas!!!


what an incredibly vivid picture your wonderful words paint! my first born spent 2 years in brooklyn and also sent back posts like this. love it!


What a great post! Your excellent writing lent itself to a wonderful story =) Quinlan's got the kind of life other kids dream about!


Sounds lovely. Hope the rest of your day was as nice as your morning!

Plain Jane Mom

That was great -- thank you! It is nothing like my mornings and that, plus your writing, is what made this a fantastic post.


I love this. I live in Northern VA and work in Washington, DC. My son gets on a bus and my younger son and daughter go to day care in my federal building. Their field trips are to the Smithsonian, to the duck pond by the Washington Monument and to the Nat'l Aquarium. Sometimes we also take the metro home. Sometimes motorcades go by and they see the President.

I grew up in small town Iowa - my morning was oh, so different. But then again as we struggle to get out the door - maybe not so much;)


Wonderful look into your life! Thanks for posting :)


This was such an informative post....I bet if I wrote the same sort of post...it would be worlds apart.

Thank you SO much for sharing!!

Robin P

What a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing your morning with me. I feel like I was with you the whole time!

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