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October 31, 2006



I'm a 'good enough' mom and happy with that. Perhaps comes with time?

My kids love me and say I am the best mom out there. To me that is enough :)


Oh, you know we all do! I am totally sweating it every time there is a play date or play group or lunch out or in or group trip to the mall or story time at the library. I have to have myself done up, Hali done up, house picked up- and they aren't even coming over! If anyone- especially the inlaws are coming over, I have to have the house just right. I figure if its not that nice in real life, I'll take some pictures, and remember it like it was! Kidding...

Robin P

After reading this post and Kris' post I realized I am a total underachiever!

I try to keep things simple but fun. I seriously think I'm a lazy mom when it comes to party details.

When driving Lillianna to school in the morning,when I wake up late,I wet my hair and hope it curls enough to throw it in a headband and get her to school. I figure it's a bonus that I don't drive her with curlers in my hair,right???


Am I a compulsive over-achiever...?

You betcha.

But I've learned to pick my obsessions carefully because life has stopped being all full of time :)


Have you put on make-up before a meeting in the office? Have you stayed up all night perfecting a power-point presentation? Have you written person emails to every person working on a project to maximize their involvement? Mothering is a job like any other and I don't think that there is anything wrong with dealing with it in the same manner you deal with other jobs. I wouldn't be embarrassed to admit doing any of the things I listed doing for my office job, and I'm not embarrassed that I spent weeks organizing my daughters first birthday party. I would be embarrassed to admit that I had put more effort into the companys annual meeting than I did into my daughters party because they are equally important to me- obviously for different reasons. I hope no moms are embarrassed about doing stuff like that.

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