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March 13, 2007



Great post Amber! We've begun the potty training too and are in our third week. We've been fairly successful with mainly using potty stickers as rewards.

Although I did give a few desired presents for pooping in the potty and the occasional chocolate covered blueberry.

Good luck and know it will happen.


Oh my gosh - that's so funny - okay you'll find it funny one day. That said - an accident is not square 1. I'm an advocate of just put em in undies and deal w/the accidents. My daughter's been 90% trained for months - but we never go anywhere without several changes of clothes. Maybe it's b/c she's my third but I just deal w/the mess like any other mess.

Good luck to you!


Oh, my goodness! Your post really made me laugh! Of course, I'm sorry that you're back to square one though.

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