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April 03, 2007



I keep it fun by keeping myself happy. I keep myself happy by talking to you. :-)
Seriously, they are bound to remember the good times more than the bad, right? I sure hope so at least.


I'm surprised that there aren't more comments to your post.

I think the early stages of mommy-hood are just full of un-fun moments of training. I identified with your post in many ways. As a mom of 4 who tries to keep up a sense of identity and self and hobbies -- I have had the thought that maybe I'm just not fun anymore.

Granted, there are many times when potty training, or behaviour training just isn't fun (my 1-year old loves nothing more than to turn the TV on and off)

Then we have a fun moment in between school work, and training, and cleaning - and I remember what it's like to be fun - and not all business! I'm with you, I hope they remember the good more than they remember the non-fun. :-)

There's hope for me still!!


I am so sympathetic to your feeling like the un-fun Mom. Take it from me, for the anal retentive parenting is just a big drag. I posted about a particular play date with my son's friend that left me feeling like I was running the Gulag.

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