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May 10, 2007



I like to call them the Terrifying Threes. My daughter was just like Haddie. Adorable 85% of the time, but the remaining 15% could kill you!!! Zoe is going on 7 now, and things are MUCH more calm and reasonable. Although she did throw a fit yesterday because I gave her brother the last of the popcorn shrimp..........


OMG - my daughter turns 3 on the 25th and this is sooooooo her. Up until recently she was my "easy" child (after 2 difficult boys I figured I'd earn an easy baby) But lately she refuses to sleep in her big girl bed, throws tantrums over nothing. I've carried her screaming out of places b/c I committed the crime of getting her toilet paper from a different stall. What happened to my sweet little girl???? We will get through it - right?

I do like "stop with the compliments!" I will have to remember that!

Karen Jones

CHORTLING over this one. What a fantastic post (and a great new mantra!)

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