In family-related news now:
> Deep-voiced men 'have more kids' (BBC)
> Maternal weight tied to child's body composition (Reuters)
> In reversal, student given extra exam time to pump breast milk (NYTimes)
> Vaccines not linked to kids' neurological ills (AP/MSNBC)
> Senators seek strong vote for kids' health insurance program (AP)
> More than 600,000 toys recalled (AP/MSNBC)
> Can Gatorade be junk food? (WashPost)
> NBC Universal bans junk-food ads from more kids shows (AdAge)
> Want to be a Nielsen family? (AP/MSNBC)
> Why are kids overweight? Take a look around (Reuters)
Related: Video game teaches kids about diet (MSNBC)
> An extra 'S' on the nation's school report card (WashPost)
Related: Math, reading scores up in U.S. (CBS)
> For schools, artificial turf grows in popularity (WashPost)
> Girls' friendships can prevent dating abuse (LiveScience/MSNBC)