Need a post-holiday zen moment? Check out the new site Mama Says Om,, a blog filled with uplifting art, photos and philisophical musings on motherhood (with a few yummy recipes tossed in for good measure).
Mama Says Om, written and beautifully "decorated" by four moms, describes itself this way: "Parenting is hard. The world moves around us in a spastic rhythm, a swirling chaos of day to day activity: work, school, meals, rest, noise, play, comfort, nurture. Finding the breath to everyday life is an art and often we find ourselves hyperventilating. We look at parenting as a spiritual and often humorous endeavor. We write from the heart about those things that give us breath. Ignore the chaos in your own life and visit with us; it'll all still be there when you get back."
Sounds like just the ticket as we clean up the wrapping paper, put away decorations and get ready for back to school!
We want to hear from you! Have a favorite website that you find interesting, informative or just fun? Send it to Cooper at [email protected]. Every Monday we will feature a new site here at The Mother Board on DotMoms.