All those days, hours, years playing with Legos came together this weekend.
First, this fortune from a cookie: "A perfect statue never comes from a bad mold." Hmmmm.
Second, we took Colter to a Lego event this morning, part of the company's search for tomorrow's MasterBuilders (and today's consumers, I'm sure).
It was a blast! He received a badge to wear around his neck, received stickers for the back of it after he completed the activities, and earned a Lego construction hat and a Lego license.
We're home now, and it looks like we'll be spending the rest of the day building the biggest robot we can, which shouldn't be hard considering we have about 5 tubs full of these colorful bricks.
And it occurs to me -- the person I work with who is most creative, most fun, and most kind just received a care package from his mother (he's 23) full of his old Legos and a note reminding him to approach his projects inch by inch, step by step, brick by brick.
So, maybe these blocks build more than towers, titans, and tractors. Maybe they build patience, planning, and persistence. Maybe they build character.
I love your insight...
Posted by: Amber | November 10, 2003 at 04:45 AM
Hi Julie,
Can I be adopted by your co-worker's mom? What a great idea. you're never to old to be a kid... nor to encourage others to be.
Posted by: Helene | November 09, 2003 at 09:18 PM