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December 13, 2003



My 6yr old daughter Lillianna came home from kindergarten a couple of weeks ago. "They tried to teach us about Chanukah today. They didn't know what the middle candle was for. I told them it was to light all the other candles and that it was called the shamesh. Then I said the blessing. Mom, you HAVE to come to school and talk about Chanukah." So I did. I glazed over the whole battle thing...can't say anything bad about the Syrians or anyone non Jewish trying to make the Jews worship idols. The kids weren't listening anyways. They kept looking at the chocolate "gelt" and waiting to get their turn to spin the dreidel. In the end Lillianna was so pleased and proud that I gave this talk to her class. She thought I did a great job. Isn't that what it's all about??

Marcia Lynx Qualey

As a former kindergarten teacher, let me second the comment about the paper towels. Not even in the whole building are there enough paper towels.

Although if you're lucky enough, I think potato latkes for snack time are the best thing about Hanukah.

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