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May 13, 2004



I hate spelling out loud. I need to write it down. I think hemorrhage always trips me up. I just spelled it hemmorhage and checked it in the medical dictionary and realized I spelled it wrong AGAIN!! It's a killer! I page doctors at my job and always screw it up before I check it with the dictionary.
Nancy's right about ophthalmology. People spell it op instead of oph.
Medical terminology is rough!


Good luck to him on the spelling bee!!! I'm sure he will do well. He may have just been distracted or something.


Mediterranean. Always have to stop and think... two "t" or two "r"


I think every word is difficult for me. Spelling was always hard for me and it hasn't gotten any easier. ;) But using spell check has!!


Banana, I think I got it right this time!!


Spelling Bees can be heart wrenching...for the parents. - I constantly trip myself up on occured and those like it (which may or may not be spelled correctly here right now). I'll never forget amnesia since it was the word I got out on in my school Spelling Bee, even though I had specifically practiced it!


Most of the time it's not spelling that trips me up, it's typing. If you ask outloud to spell something I can. But ask me to type if and some of my fingers are just *way* faster then others. As a result 'project' always turns out as 'porject', etc.


most words with 'ie'. thief or theif? relieve or releive? ...

Hope Wilbanks

VACUUM. Even though I "know" in my head that's how it's spelled, every time I write the word "vacuum" for some reason I want to spell it "vaCCum." :)


Definate? Definite?


psychology (or anything that starts with psyc) and ophthalmology
- can you tell I have a medical career?

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