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May 17, 2004



Why is it that you love your kids even MORE when they are sick?


Ahhhhhhhhhh, poor guy. HOpe he is feeling better.


Nothing is worse than a little one who's hurting. Hope he feels back to normal soon!


Oh, those ear infections! I hope Colter feels much better and really soon.


Hello there. Does Colter suffer from a lot of ear infections? This may sound strange but seeing a chiropractor could help. If he is
out of alignment in the neck area, the muscles will tense up and will prevent proper drainage. I use to get ear infections all the time but since going to the chiropractor three years ago I haven't had one since. I hope he feels better soon :)


I had one of those nights a few nights back with Juliet. It was the heat causing her distress but it is just awful having them uncomfortable under any circumstances! Hope he feels better. Enjoy your day together!


Enjoy your day together!


There are never enough hours in the day are there? Hope all is well soon.


Double, no, triple ear infections!?!? Yikes! Children are amazing...they develop these terribly painful conditions overnight and still manage to be adorable (i.e., "Mommy can I die from this?) My house has been harboring a horrible virus and my four have kept true to form - they share, often. I really do hope he feels better soon.


Poor baby. I hope he starts to feel better real soon. Sick little ones just break my heart.


Poor little mite :( Hoping for a speedy recovery for him.

Hope Wilbanks

I know EXACTLY where you're coming from! I was up all night with Eli. He's screaming at this very moment. I am afraid we're going to have to make a trip to the doctor.


Yes I had sick kids at home too. It's no fun. And ear infections are the worst for them. i hope he feels better soon.


As a college student, I once had an ear ache that I seriously thought would kill me ... the pain was so incredibly awful. Each time I would move my head in the slightest, my entire head throbbed. It felt as if someone was sticking an ice pick in my skull (well, actually, I can't say for sure that's what it felt like but I could only imagine). Finally, I made it to the Dr.'s office in tears. No, I was literally bawling. My ear was so inflamed that the Dr. had to insert a wick into my ear so that the drops would have something to help them get inside. I definitely feel for little people when they have earaches...


I had such bad ear infections as a child. I would tip toe into my parents' room and whisper ever so softly, "Mommy, my ear is crinkling." She jumped up and woke my Dad. "Charlie get up and go sleep in Robin's bed." He stumbled to my bed while Mom propped me up in her bed next to her. She'd run to warm up my ear drops before putting a drop in each ear. Ahhhhh, the relief. The popping and crinkling I went through for years was horrible.
I know how bad Colter must've felt. I also know how helpless we feel as moms when we can't make the pain go away.
Happy napping to both of you.


Hope Colter feels better really soon.Get some zzz's today.

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