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May 19, 2004



This will probably go back and forth for many years to come. Colter has made it clear that he will handle things so just keep guiding him softly and be there when he needs reassurance. I will send you a box of tissues if I don't use them all up myself!


Glad things worked out. I think it's good to let them learn now how things aren't always rosy in friendships. :)


It's so hard, isn't it, trying not to interfere, and let them handle these things on their own...


Ahh eventually he will learn! Glad to hear that things are going better for him. You are a good Mom and the best way for kids to learn is by example. They learn from our relationships.


I'm glad things are better,for the time being.I hope Colter learns that fine line between being a loyal and good friend without being walked over.Thats hard for polite kids to learn.


I love your commentary on parenting.
I learn something every week from your posts!

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