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May 20, 2004



This post reminds me so much of my husband and how he is able to say the kindest things about me or to me when the words are so simple, never trying to be bigger than the truth. No matter how simple, the words are so sweet and the meaning behind them even sweeter. How wonderful that you have a husband who cares enough to post this!!!


hehe my bf and I also do the "read my blog" if we're posted something that we haven't told the other yet. ;)

And that was very sweet of your hubby to post. You have one great family. :D


Nice post Gary! It's always good for the wife to know she is missed and appreciated. Rich usually tells OTHER people that I am a good wife and mother. I always plead with him, "Why can't you tell ME??" He replies, "I just did."
I will take it any way I can get it I guess.
I love Julie's blog too. She does tell it like it is with a fantastic sense of humor.


stopped by to visit and wanted to say: wow . . . such a lovely family . . . such a lovely post by your hubby . . . thanks for the affirmation of goodness and love-in-motion :)


Oh, My Maude. What a lovely post, what a wonderful, affirming thing you have done with this post. Just. Wow.


All I can say WOW! Julie- you definitely got a good one (and vice-versa):)

The Zero Boss

Gary, thanks for that. You're right - blogs are a strange but wonderful way for family members to stay up to date on one another. My moms learned more about my childhood from reading my blog than she ever knew when I was growing up.

Hope Wilbanks

How sweet! :)


Great post, Gary.

I think the little moments of pure contentment are my re-affirmations. When we're sitting on the patio eating ice pops, or hanging out on Sunday mornings in our jammies, or having a water gun fight in the back yard. or going for a walk on the beach as the sun's going down. Sharing a meal, sharing a laugh, those things make me really count my blessings.


How NICE!<---YOU wrote that! Me-thinks you are all 3 blessed an "we" the readers filled with possibilities, from another place. {jealous me sometimes}

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