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June 27, 2004



Oh I just love your outlook on life, Julie. This is a perfect example. I think you and I have some key traits in common. I have the same tendancy towards controlling even the small aspects in my life. To look at your tire experience as sort of liberating is a good lesson in perspetive to a person like me. Good for you! Great post!


What a great way to look at all of it. I love surprises myself. :) My hubby always wants to know ahead of time but I'd rather not know at all. :) What a couple of neat presents.


I picked up on a word in your posting, "CALM" "calmly reparked the car." How much different life looks when you are calm. A couple years ago at church outing (see my blog for a reference..)I noticed some nasty rotating clouds over us. We were told to gather in the basement because of reports of a tornado headed our way. I was totally freaked out, and it took a kindly old missionary lady to tell stories and have us join her in songs for me to calm down.

This year I saw some nasty rotating clouds pass over us, and because I stayed calm, I actually watched in wonder as the clouds twisted and danced over our heads.

Life is so much better when one is calm.

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