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November 23, 2004


Robin P

Wacky Wafers were my #1 favorite...no, no, wait...Mint Juleps were my all time favorite...yum....those big fat chewy taffy squares individually wrapped....oh and shoelace red licorice, really stringy so that you could butterfly stitch it like gimp and then suck on it and eat it.....wax teeth....you put them in your mouth and then chewed up the wax and spit it out. I still don't know why we did that.
I just bought a pack of Black Jack gum last night. The Teaberry was sitting right next to it! ahhhhh....memories!


bottle caps. and tart n tiny. only the ones they make today have some sort of a hard shell around them and they are just not the same!!

Tammy and the Rats

I loved Marathon bars. It was braded caramel covered in chocolate and was SOOO good!


I always had a thing for those gummy soda bottles. :)


I have a "thing" about the candy cigs too.I don't like my kids to have them.


I loved blackballs! My grandpa had a candy store and i always loved going to visit..knowing that i would get to pick whatever i wanted from behind the counter.....And what about Bottle Caps??? mmmmm Rootbeer flavour!


SweetTarts! But the new Sour Patch Kids are much better. :-)


My favorite was the candy Dots!!! I loved the fact that they came in sooooo many colors. And that you could chase them all over the extremely looooong strip of paper.


Chick-o-stix, Fun Dip, Striped gum with the Zebra! Boston baked beans! Now I'll have to purchase some old favs when I got to the grocery store :)


it has always been m&m's


If I have to limit myself to just one, I'd have to say Wacky Wafers. I have such fond memories of going to the corner store (wow, to think really had one of those in my neighborbood) and anticipating which candy I'd pick.


Lemon heads! I love those, but they don't taste like the ones from my childhood. Also the wax juice bottles. Tootsie Roll pops with the Owl commercial. To our sweet childhood days- Cheers!

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