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June 05, 2005



I've forgotten the exact details of tons of firsts and I haven't kept up with the baby book. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the individual firsts - it's more the entire experience of being a mommy to my wonderful little girl that I think about.


I just finished a scrap book for my sister Kara for her 30th birthday which was this past October. Since I was 11 1/2 when she was born,I was in charge of keeping all the records. I couldn't stop laughing when I read the date she lost her first tooth. I had the day,date and the exact time, something like 7:48pm. It was so accurate.

Now for Lillianna, I'm not sure I have it in her book but I have 30 minutes of video of her calling her daddy, my mom, my sister, my sister's future mother-in-law and my aunt to tell them how the tooth came out in a marshmallow ....blah blah blah.
She repeated it to each and every one of them as she held her bloody tooth in her hand. It's priceless!


I was a doting single mom who almost never missed a first. My enduring memory is of my son sitting in the bathtub, and forming his first full sentence: "Mommy, make the water go away." It melts my heart to this day, in spite of the rather nasty crap we've been through the last 2 days.


Last night my husband asked, "We're keeping track of things in the baby book, right?" (Our daughter is 13 months old.) As we were "discussing" this topic, my little angel fell down and got her first big bump on her head. :-(

Honestly, I tend to take pictures when my daughter does important things for the first time. Then when I (at some point) get around to writing it down, I can find the picture for the exact day. :-)


its actually scary how many firsts you on't write down, the date he first rode his bike on his own, the date his first tooth fell out, the date he first bathed properly completelyon his own... too many! something else i also always forget to note are the funny things he says!


I can't believe I don't remember when A. first slept through the night, considering how long it took him to do it. You'd think I would at least have organized a parade, or blogged about it, or something.


It's terrible but I've not kept a baby book for my second born. My first born had a baby book but I've misplaced it (in the divorce?)

My sons are precious to me and their firsts are in my heart for always. IF the really want to know I'll make a guess ...so what if its a hair off target.

Poor dears...but wait...I don't have a baby book either! Moooooooooooooom!


Ummm...well, if I remembered what I'd forgotten, I wouldn't have forgotten ;)


i remember none of the exact dates, much to my kids irritation....lol. how can i explain that 'firsts' are STILL happening every day? my daughter's look when she showed me her promise ring recently....the first time my youngest son bought roses for his girlfriend...my oldest recounting his latest dream, and interpreting it for me...
every day brings more 'firsts', and more ways they are turning into the adults they'll become.....:)


I think it's near impossible to write down all a child's firsts. Weird question though :)


When Austin was 4 or 5 we were at the park playing. Somehow our conversation ended up being about "firsts". I was telling him that I remembered the first time he walked, slept in a bed... all the normal stuff. He was laying on the blanket looking up and said, "Momma, when is the first time I saw the sky?" It was just such a bizarre thing to ask, and I had no answer.


Why did I have to wait so long to have you for my mommy?

Asked by my adopted daughter, Carly - when she was 5.

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