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July 07, 2005



My oldest children are 14 1/2 and 12 1/2. They were fortunate enough to both have a social studies teacher who encouraged them to follow the politics and the crap that went along with election 2004. He would videotape the debates to make sure the the students got a chance to watch them and study them and understand them. They held a mock election in each grade 6-8. The teacher would not reveal his political affiliation until after the election in order to not sway the students. As it turned out Kerry won the school election, teacher was a W supporter...says a lot about the politics in my town.

But regardless of that, my children and my husband were able to form this wonderful bond, before he and I were married this past December. They would finish getting ready for school and work in the mornings and sit down, watch the news and discuss things. It was WONDERFUL. So yes, I am a staunch supporter of letting kids in on politics as soon as they show an interest. If they don't, well, then, that's fine too.


Jonas is 3.5 and he can tell you Cheney is a not a nice man who is very greedy. During the debates for the Pres. election he learned to point to Kerry and say "that's the good guy."

So yes we talk politics


My parents never specifically brought up politics for quite a long time. Then, as we became adults and when GWB got elected, they suddenly turned into politics-people. Now my dad and I do talk politics often, and he sends me a notice when his letters to the Editor get in the paper.

It's very strange to have grown up apolitical, although with a rather liberal bent, and suddenly come home from college and find my family talking politics quite sincerely.

I'd like to know, though: when are kids old enough to start understanding politics? And would discussing that just turn them cynical a little sooner?


I'm not a very politically-minded person; however, I do learn enough to vote in an educated manner.

And, no, I don't think I ever talk about politics to the kids.


i only discuss politics if it comes up as part of another conversation - like bigotry and racism. i'm not too clued up politics wise, but living where we live, i am trying to raise damien in such a way that he understands where he and his family "come from" and why certain things are like they are so that he can make up his own mind.
i have had long (sometimes heated) conversations with the adults in my family for us ALL not to use prejudicial and/or racist language and terms - and i'm ashamed to say we DO do it - often without even realising it, especially the generation before mine and the one before that.
damien is growing up now in a time that is so vastly different from when i grew up - racism is not tolerated in schools and i don't want damien getting expelled for using a word or a term he heard from his grampa, or his great granny. i will not have their viewpoints or attitudes influencing damiens choices... ahem,
like i said... sometimes heated.

Robin P

I hate to admit that I do not know much about politics but if Lillianna shows an interest in something (the news is on every morning and we all watch it)then Rich explains it all. I basically nod my head. Thank goodness we agree with each other!!


More like the kid talks to me about politics. And everything else I don't get. Nice to be educated by the ones who do, after all, know everything already ;)


My son's not-yet-3, but I intend to talk to him about it. Our lives are influenced by politics whether we acknowledge it or not.

Speaking of Deep Throat, think his secret identity would have stood a chance in today's political climate? (Thinking of Judith Miller....)

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