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July 01, 2005



Mothers have the right to sleep past sunrise if they so desire or if said sleep is desperately needed.

Mothers have the right to be sick or injured by themselves.

Mothers have the right to shower....alone...with no one running in the bathroom to tattle on another sibling.


hi julie! i love this bill of rights, i think i must have it framed for myself, my granny, my sisters and my mom!
i have a bill of rights for kids with adhd if you'd like to see it? my sons doctor gave it to me when we first started seeing him.

Angela Giles Klocke

I used to have a similar set of rights here in my home that I wrote for us and the children. I may have to dig them out again and post them on the fridge! ;)


A mother has the right to use the bathroom alone at least once a day.


Mother's have the right to call the husband in for back up in emergencies, even if he is at work (his boss has kids too you know!)

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