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August 02, 2005



It's scary, isn't it? Our money goes to Harris Teeter, SuperTarget, Babies R' Us, BabyGap, and Ann Taylor/Nordstrom. I have a shoe problem, I admit it.

But mostly Harris Teeter, usually about $150/week. It's very very scary.


where does my money go…? well once the taxman, medical aid and retirement annuities have taken their share, the rest goes on catfood, groceries, rent, electricity, petrol. Then Damien’s school fees, gymnastics, aftercare fees and transportation (together are literally more than my rent)! Anything left is blown on fast food, movies and books.
What’s a graphic novel?


Having just moved into a new house, our money has recently gone to:

Best Buy (more than I care to think about)

Lowes (why is it so easy to drop $100 there?)

Target (diapers and wipes and paper towels, oh my)

King Sooper (grocery store)


Whole foods and Strabs (two gormet grocery stores in our area) get the majority of our spending - trying to diet or rather just eat healthy - it costs an arm and a leg


Oh my goodnes, that is soooo true!! lol Our money goes to the evil empire, Hastings and Domino's. I also hear ya on the whole checkbook issue. Not fun at all so I put it off for way too long.


yup, me too.

shoprite- supermarket here in nj.

borders- my favorite hangout.

we don't have supertarget yet. if we did, i'm sure i'd spend the big bucks there. i love regular target. khol's is nice too.

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