Here are links to some of the most interesting stories I've read recently:
When the Z's you get aren't yours
'Fess up, the snoring is a problem.
Parents fret that dialing up interferes with growing up
I'm not sure whether to be thrilled or concerned that Colter shows no interest yet in connecting electronically with his peers.
Sick of their husbands in graying Japan
This sure makes retirement look appealing.
And the world's oldest first-time fathers are...
...Lazy, it turns out.
Survey: Children don't get enough sleep
No, duh. Their parents don't either.
Getting in
So why am I still paying off my student loans?
U.S. study: Marriage boosts prosperity, helps children
Finally, some good news.
Candace Busnell says success is the new sex
From Sex and the City to Sexless in the 'Burbs.
Sick of their husbands in graying Japan was scary. I sure hope that your husband isn't like that guy.
Posted by: gm | October 23, 2005 at 07:26 AM
Great articles... I had been looking for the article on sleep after seeing the headline on Yahoo, which disappeared before I got around to reading it.
As for snoring, my father is the worst snorer EVER. One night as a teen, I had to sleep on the pull-out sofa in a suite with my father and mother taking the master bed. His snoring was so awful that I resorted to beaning him every hour or so with a pillow- hard enough to stop the snoring, but not quite hard enough to wake him. It was the only time I've ever hit my father!
My mother simply sleeps with earplugs.
Posted by: Lucinda | October 22, 2005 at 12:18 PM