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November 21, 2005


Kathy Gross

Lealman Intermediate School
Great American Teach-In
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2006
528-5802 ext 2057

My goal is to have all my speakers before the end of this school year. I would love to invite you and your husband to our Great American Teach-In.
We are the Drop Out Prevention school that serves students in grades 5-8 for all of South Pinellas County. We are doing some amazing things here at Lealman. We would love for you to be part of the Teach_in.


Coming from the other side... sort of... My kindergarten teacher still has a note I wrote her when I "graduated" and headed on to first grade. I ran into her as an adult (I also happened to become a journalist), and she told me it was one of the nices notes she's ever received.
Children don't realize what an impact they can have on us sappy adults with just a few well-meant words on paper!


Aggressive and a shmoozer... I don't know. I wish him the best but I think we'll be better off if he matures into patient and sincere ;-)

Sweet note, though!

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