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Today's Ask Ausiello has some "Gilmore Girls" scoop:
Question: Any spoilers on what spoilers to expect? — Stacey
Ausiello: In about three weeks, I'm going to have some fantastic Gilmore Girls scoop. Oh, who am I kidding? I can't wait that long. There will be a wedding in March or April, but the bride and groom do not live in Stars Hollow. And one of our favorite Gilmore girls is about to discover that she has a lot in common with Michelle Williams' character in Brokeback Mountain.
I think the wedding will be Anna's (Luke's ex and the mother of his daughter). I predict she'll marry someone and need to move away from Woodbridge, but will let April stay with Luke so they can get to know one another better, maybe for the summer, maybe longer. This will further complicate Luke and Lorelai's relationship and delay their wedding (which was already postponed in last night's episode). Or, Anna and April will both move away and Luke will begin to sympathize with Christopher, who was a mostly absentee father. Secondary choices for the wedding are: Paris and Doyle or Logan's sister and her fiance (in the latter case, Rory will have to face Logan's father again and Logan will propose, unless he's gay -- see below -- in which case maybe Rory will discover this at the wedding when she sees him with some long-time "friend").
I have no real sense of which character will discover that her husband or boyfriend is gay. Gary thinks it'll be Logan. I wonder if it'll be Jackson.
What are your predictions about who will marry and who is gay?
UPDATE: There's a whole world out there I am just discovering -- the world of "sides" (audition scenes, I think, see this one for the upcoming episode 16) and spoilers, including all the bulletin boards on which obsessed fans like me speculate. Conventional wisdom seems to be that the wedding is Honor's and Josh's (Logan's sister and brother-in-law to be) and that the "Brokeback Mountain" reference is about episode 16, titled "Bridesmaids Revisited," in which Rory learns that Logan was with two of Honor's bridesmaids (with the androgynous names Walker and Claude) during their relationship hiatus.
I HAVE TRULY GONE OVER THE EDGE: I just submitted a question to Mike Ausiello asking about the tattoo on Scott Patterson's arm. Anyone know what it is and/or what the story behind it is?
Posted at 01:25 PM in The Serial Box | Permalink | Comments (13)
Last night, I walked into our TV room and saw Colter with something stuck up his nose. I asked him to remove it and he said he wasn't sure whether he could. So he wriggled and tugged and eventually pulled out a marble.
"Why did you put a marble up your nose?," I asked.
He responded, "Because it itched. And I'm not supposed to pick my nose in public."
Never mind that he often picks his nose in public. Never mind that we were in the privacy of our own home. Never mind that he's 9 years old and knows better.
I just laughed and took the marble away.
Posted at 08:55 AM | Permalink | Comments (8)
Over winter break, we discovered "Gilmore Girls," and ever since Gary and Colter and I have been watching the series on DVD. It's the first show that has captured our collective imaginations and I'm not entirely sure why. It is surprising and funny, exceptionally well-written, intellectually challenging, and offers a fascinating window into family dynamics. Still, its ongoing appeal -- after hours and hours of sequential viewing -- remains somewhat mysterious. Is it Lorelai's strength that keeps us going? Rory's quirky combination of maturity and immaturity? Luke's love? Ultimately, I know it's the eternal desire to know: What happens next?
Are you a "Gilmore Girls" fan?
UPDATE: If you are a fan, I just discovered a Web site that has transcripts from each episode so you can catch up on any you may have missed. Reading them is a great way to deconstruct excellent writing.
Posted at 12:21 AM in The Serial Box | Permalink | Comments (13)