For the third day in a row, I'm taking no morphine so I can slowly get weaned off the heavy narcotics and return to work at the end of next month.
As a result, I'm finding life a little rough around the edges. Part of it is the pain I feel between the time one of the short-acting pain relievers wears off and the next one takes effect. Part of it is other stress.
Recovery is slow, but sure. The best therapy so far: At Colter's student-led school conference yesterday, in front of his peers, he pulled me and Gary into a family hug and said, "I love you." For that and his excellent academic work he got dinner in the TV room while we watched the season premiere of "Gilmore Girls." This week, I liked "Studio 60" better. It surprised me more. And in entertainment, surprises are good.
I was taking morphine for a while for my back. The brand was Kadian and it was very easy for me to come off of it even though I'd been taking it for three years. Before the Kadian I was taking Oxycontin. I have no idea why I didn't show any signs of withdrawal, thank God. I didn't even get a headache.
I hope you don't have a hard time of it. I understand the fear... I was terrified that I'd become addicted and I just really wanted to get off of it, but that fear kept me on it for a while. If you taper it down (like you mentioned) I bet you won't have too much trouble. I'll keep you in my prayers!
Posted by: Kristi | September 28, 2006 at 07:39 AM
I get very grouchy when the pain acts up after the painkillers wear off. Pain is not concucive to good moods in this house. Thankfully I now have more days where the painkillers work really well than days where they wear off early.
I hope you get to that point soon.
Posted by: rachel | September 27, 2006 at 01:29 PM