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November 11, 2006



Nice post. Pearl has started a Montessori preschool this year. One of the things I've heard about the school is that at some point--I'm not sure when--they learn to knit. For some reason, I can't wait! I learned when I was a kid, but I can't remember a single thing.


Knitting warms the soul.

It can be a great stress buster too.


Funny, you've just made my mind up about whether or not I should take up knitting - glad to read that you're on the road to recovery - congratulations on all the firsts!

Melanie Lynne Hauser

As this is the 2nd blog I've read this morning about the benefits of knitting, I think someone is trying to tell me something!


This touched me in a deep and proufound way that I'm not sure I know how to identify. I hope you won't mind if I share if with my mother.


I don't knit, but I string jewelry, and there's something comforting in the repetition of doing something like that. There's also such love in the creativity of such arts.

If you read fiction, you should read Debbie Macomber's "The Shop on Blossom Street" and its sequel, "A Good Yarn." They're sweet books about unlikely friends joined together by the love of knitting.


Yes, that is what knitting does for me and more. It's active meditation since I'm not the type to sit still but it does weave me into a fabric that stretches back in time as well as into the present and the future.

Congrats Colter!


hey julie! it sounds like you've taken a step in a positive direction, i hope it continues...!
congratulations on colter making all a's!

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