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December 10, 2006



I'm so happy for all of your life you are able to reclaim! yippeee!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


that sounds so exciting julie!! i'm so glad for you!


Aww. Cuteness.


This is good news indeed. I hope having to reprogram the car radio is the worst side-effect you ever have to face.

Chappy Chanukah.


All I can say is that this made me cry! Yay!!!


My toddler periodically insists on riding in the van with her daddy, so I get stuck with his old truck with no radio at all. Those are long rides to work with me singing all the way. Enjoy those pre-sets!

Juanita Lane


You Go Girl!!!!!

Tammy and the Boys <  :3  )~~~~

I knew you were going to be back! I'm so happy for you and your family.

Happy holidays to you and yours!


Once you program your radio stations, you own it. That's the rule.

Amy Gahran

Julie, I'm so happy you're heading back to work! Hope you have a great holiday, too. I've been thinking about you, wishing you well.

- Amy Gahran

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