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April 03, 2007



Just found your site and thought some readers may be interested in a grant for moms. I'm writing on behalf of Whirlpool brand and we're looking for moms to enter the Mother of Invention Grant. You can win up to a $20,000 grant and a trip for a business boot camp. Check out www.whirlpool.com/moms. Thanks! Karina


Thank you for posting this blog. I am currently awaiting liver surgery at Shands Gainesville. It is comforting to know what I can expect (even though it is very painful) instead of all of the "What Ifs". They think that I either have an adenoma or FNH.

Lisa Mills

That's really neat. It's nice for moms to know that they're special to their children.


I've always said that if my kids were ever on tv, they'd better wave and mouth 'Hi, Mom!' :)

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