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May 10, 2007



I couldn't find your email, so I thought I'd just post a comment.

I was so excited, I had to share with someone... I sent an email to "Ask Matt" asking why "Project Runway" wasn't on this summer, and...


Now, I know some intern is responding with approved answers, but still. In my in-box, is an email from Matt Roush. How cool is that?


I am a rookie blogger and found your blog by searching around. My blog is brand new and is called A Parent's Blog.

I was wondering if you would be so kind as to exchange links with me so I can get my foot in the door and begin to build my blog up.

The site's address is www.aparentsblog.com

Regardless, if you don't want to exchange links, may I still add your blog to mine?

Please let me know.


Angela (mom2be)

U Little

Hey buddy! Nice blog that you maintain here.. I just chanced upon your blog surfing the blogosphere. I was thinking.. you could try out some interesting widgets on your page and spice it up with more relevant information. E.g try out the poster widget on http://www.widgetmate.com with your relevant keywords. It has some of the best images i have ever seen.

Gina Fried

Julie -
I loved reading your blog. Are you Julie nee Manushkin from Chicago? (FWP?) Hope so.

Mike Artherton

Nice stuff... tough to keep track of all that is happening. I end up reading 100 odd blogs daily. Plus there is news. You could also enrich your blog by adding current news on your blog... try out the news widget from widgetmate.com

Stephanie G.

Oh my, that poem is heart-breakingly wonderful. What on earth will I do when my daughter is 10? Or 11, for that matter.

The New Yorker post is a great story too!


What a beautiful 11-year-old poem! I may make my soon-to-be 9-year-old do a similar one this summer. You know, if not given little projects along the way, these summer months will just fade into a blur of Nick and Teen Disney and video games.


very cool! he's pretty smart isn't he!??!

i am a mom
i love my son
i like tv
i love my cats
i like to drive
i blog
i write
i draw
i love to read
i adore jewelry
i eat too much junk food
i like red wine
i will be successful
i will start my own business
i use my camera everyday
i can't work without music
i love my mom
i love my sisters
i love my brother
i love my nephews
i try to be a christian
i have a sweet tooth
i like dragons
i love my laptop
i love my cell phone

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