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June 08, 2005


Robin P

I agree with everything you said. Liane and I met when we were in 7th grade and have been best friends ever since. She has lived overseas with her husband and twins for the past 5 years but she is here now visiting her mom. We will probably see each other tomorrow and pick up right where we left off.

We love each other unconditionally. That is the basis of our entire friendship. We encourage each other to be the best we can be and to strive for the impossible. When she began writing to her friend's nephew who was living in Okinawa, I got a feeling and said, "This is the guy you are going to marry!" I just knew it. She thought I was insane. At that point I don't think that they had even met in person. They will be married 8 years on July 5th! They have 5 year old twins, a boy and a girl and they are very happy!

I always say that a real friend is happy when you are happy and sad when you are sad. That's about it!!


Geez - I'm blushing.
Has it really been thirty years?
Seriously Gary, it's an honor to be considered your friend. Seems you've always been there - in darkness and in light - on either of our parts.
I hope to live up to this honor for at least another 30 years.


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