Tom Cruise is irresponsible, rude, and (look who's calling the kettle black) glib.
If you are not familiar with his interview with Matt Lauer, then read it on MSNBC.
Tom, in my opinion you are an idiot, and totally unqualified to talk about Ritalin. You are not a doctor, and from what I can tell, you didn't even attend college. I've done my homework and I can tell you that almost half of the boys in this country with untreated ADHD Will have been arrested for a felony by age 16. A host of other dysfunctions including marital discord, poor school and job performance, and the likelihood of drug abuse are statistically higher in untreated ADHD males.
And as for Brooke Shields,
Brooke, you are an idiot and a hypocrite.
If you (the reader of this post) have read the interview that I linked to above, then you know how Ms. Shields fits into this discussion. According to PEOPLE Magazine, she said:
"I agree with him (Tom) about his feeling on prescribing drugs to kids. We are in accord …I don't think Ritalin should be prescribed to kids. Postpartum depression is a different matter. I think I'm more qualified to talk about that (than he is)."
OK, OK, Brooke, don't get all defensive, I know you did go to college, a good one (Princeton) but you are still not a doctor, and I doubt you've done the research on this subject that I've done.
Now, I'm not a doctor, and I rarely speak about celebrities, but if some poor mother hears Tom or Brooke talk and that mother's child is denied medicine that could help keep that child out of jail because of what either of these idiots say, then I hope that the untreated kid with ADHD goes to one of their neighborhoods to commit his crime.
I could not have said it better . It is irresponsible people like this that steer people wrong. They are celebrities for God's sake, not doctors and not medical experts. I would pee on his leg myself if I had access to it.
Posted by: debby | June 25, 2005 at 12:07 AM
You said it very well!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! You've got a great place here too. I'm rolling ya!
Have great day!
Posted by: Karen | June 25, 2005 at 08:38 AM
Gee whiz,Gary,I don't know what you are so upset about!I know Tom Cruise isn't a doctor but didn't you hear him? He's RESEARCHED all this. He knows stuff....lots of fact, I think Tom Cruise knows everything is this big old wide world. Maybe he IS G-d.....did you ever think of that? I'm sure Tom has thought of that. Tom Cruise- The All Knowing-All Seeing Human Phenomenon!!
Anyone with any bit of brain at all will read that and say, "What a freakin' dip**it!!!! Any respect I have ever had for TC (and that's not much) has completely disappeared. Anyone who disagrees with him is an uneducated loser in his eyes. I think he is a pompous,self righteous piece of crap!!
As for Brooke.....I don't even know what to say about her. Let's just leave it at that.
Don't let this bother you even though it is infuriating.
You know what's right and what's wrong and you aren't even a Scientologist.....imagine that!!
Posted by: RobinP | June 25, 2005 at 07:38 PM
In the recent interview with Matt Lauer this is the point that Tom Cruise didn’t make.
Do you know how much prescription drugs are worth to Big Pharma? On a world wide basis about a trillion + dollars. How far do you think they would go to protect this income? How much do you suppose the pharmaceutical companies spend advertising drugs on TV, Radio, Magazines and News media? How much do they spend lobbying Congress to look the other way? How much do they pay (Grants) universities such as Harvard and Columbia to agree that drugging children is scientifically valid? Right now Ritalin is being dispensed in schools under the guise of treating over active children(ADD and so many disorders that it could fit anyone of us). Ritalin is a form of amphetamine and of course as time goes by and it doesn’t “work” the school psychologist then prescribes a higher dosage and higher dosage and the end product is the teenager becomes a drug addict and a lifetime client. Please don’t believe me but take the time to research it, Google is a great tool for this. Keywords are Prozac, Ritalin, School shootings, Suicide, and“Chemical Imbalance”. Regards Michael Hammond
Posted by: michael hammond | July 14, 2005 at 10:36 PM
We people have our own opinion, for me, as much as possible, I stay away from medications/drugs due to toxic content, and if there's organic, herbal way of treating this ADD/ADHD or any diet to prepare, then go for it.And if there's no other way then do the medications.
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