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November 16, 2005



Beautiful, Gary... I'm so sorry for your loss. :(


I'm sorry Gary! Your dad is lucky to have a son like you!

You, your dad, and your family are in my thoughts.


Sorry for your loss. I can relate--I lost my dad this May. It is a different T-Day this year without him, but his spirit is still with us. May God comfort you in your time of need.


I'm sorry I haven't checked in lately...sympathies for your loss. I'm sure he knew he had raised an extraordinary son.

Robin P

I am so sorry for your loss,Gary. Your dad sounds like such a wonderful man. He gave you so much because he gave of himself. That is priceless.
No wonder you are such a great dad to Colter and so involved with his life. You are your dad. What a beautiful gift.


my sympathy on the passing of your father. you know, you could have a memorial for your dad, and share this with friends and family, or you can publish an obituary for him. This eulogy is lovely; in all the ways that matter your father appears not to have been woeful at all. peace and love


My sympathy for the passing of your loved one. He truly must have been a magnificent man. My thanks to you for putting so beautifully into words some of the sentiments that I have for my own father.


What a wonderful tribute to your father.Isn't it interesting that by not having had that memorial, you were moved to post this on the Internet, where your words will be a lasting remembrance to him, for years to come, instead of stumbling tearful words at a one time service, forgotten by most in attendance in a few days? He gave you so much, and you had him for so long, it is fitting, that this should be the case.Isn't hindsight great?

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